because you should'nt have to worry whether your lash extensions will actually last.

We're the faithful lash stylists for you if you:
  • Want to go makeup free but love looking polished.
  • Want to like what you see in the mirror two weeks  after an appointment.
  • Would like to wonder if you really even need your fill tomorrow (yeah, you do, though!)


Great lash retention starts before you get to your appointment!

 Arrive with squeaky clean lashes without any oils or residues. A facial and lash cleanse with gel or foaming cleanser is recommended at home prior to your appointment. If you have worn pencil eyeliner or mascara in the last 72 hours, please do your best to remove all residues before your appointment.

Any traces left from oily, waxy, and easy glide eye makeup will prevent the adhesive from forming a good bond between your natural lash and the extensions - which will likely lead to poor lash retention.


This is an investment you'll want to protect! By caring for your lashes daily, we'll work together to ensure long lasting extensions and healthy natural lashes in between fills. Here's what we recommend based on stellar results: 

-Lash and facial cleanse 2x daily (to remove natural oils and to exfoliate the lash line - we'll show you exactly how at the studio!)
-Faithfully avoid pencil eyeliner and mascara (even on the bottom lashes)
-Avoid oil-rich and creamy makeup and skincare on the eye area
-Brush your lashes often
-Keep your face away from direct heat sources like the hair dryer, ovens, grills, and flames (we see you, Smokey! Play responsibly)
-Refrain from touching your lashes with your hands

By keeping your lashes oil and debris free (natural oils, dead skin, makeup buildup), your natural lashes will thrive and your extensions will be your favorite and most empowering daily style hack.

reserve a lash nap

Grab our free Lash Care guide!

The name of our game is Lash Retention. We've got our processes down during application, and we'll teach you the aftercare fundamentals that will stimulate your natural lash growth and keep your extensions looking fresh and full in between fills.
Download our lash care guide to get a step by step care process that will help in protecting your investment of time and money spent with us.

Care for my lashes, please!